China's Flag

China's Flag

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

Friday, June 4, 2010

Books We Used:
World book


China's encyclopedia

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's a communist government with strict power over it people.
China has no check and balance.
China has little freedom.
The govenment was first a democracy the it came a government by the culture revolution.

1.In 1912 The Republic of China was established.
2.Culture revoloution.
3.Polo silk road.

1.Qin means China
2.All dynastys lastest a total of 3,000 years.
3.Fastest growing economy in the world.

1 unique fact:
1.Ice-cream was invented in 2,000 b.c

Culture reveloution helped spead culture in china.
It doesn't take a major part in chinese peoples lives.China believed supernatural forces.worshiped gods,harvest gods,river gods,town gods,kitchen gods,gods of diease,god of war.

Buddhism is the majority religion.It taught that everyone contain attain salvation through fith and sincerity.some people might not understand others or might swith withothrs.People could judge other religions.
Offical currency of The Peoples Republic of China is Renminbi.

China's imports:

China's exports:
Computer accessories,Peripheral and parts
Toys and sporting goodds
computers Non-cotton household,furnishing and clothing
video equipment

One of the largest economy
The national government takes most control over chinas economy.
China has alot of farming which causes them to have a good physical landscape.They import alot of there farming to other countries.
Fastest growing major economy in the world
Most of the economy is in industry.48% INDUSTRY.21% AGRICULTURE,31% SERVICE.
China had little freedom.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Climate:wide range, northwest cold, central and southern china mild/warm winters,eastern china and souther manchur are hot and humid in summer.Extermely hot and dry in the northwestern deserts. Location:30 degrees north latitude,and 100 degrees east longitude. China is located by Kyrgyzstan,Tajikstan,Pakistan,Mongolia,and Japan. 3,705,822 square miles and 4,019 miles(6,468 km) off the coastline. 458 miles from Hainan Island. The physical features around china are Mountains,Rivers,and some deserts in northern China.

Pie Chart of China's Religion

Pie Chart of China's Religion

Tianamen Squre

Tianamen Squre
Protest in Tianamen Square