China's Flag

China's Flag

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Climate:wide range, northwest cold, central and southern china mild/warm winters,eastern china and souther manchur are hot and humid in summer.Extermely hot and dry in the northwestern deserts. Location:30 degrees north latitude,and 100 degrees east longitude. China is located by Kyrgyzstan,Tajikstan,Pakistan,Mongolia,and Japan. 3,705,822 square miles and 4,019 miles(6,468 km) off the coastline. 458 miles from Hainan Island. The physical features around china are Mountains,Rivers,and some deserts in northern China.

Pie Chart of China's Religion

Pie Chart of China's Religion

Tianamen Squre

Tianamen Squre
Protest in Tianamen Square